Lynn Slavenski, PH.D.


Lynn focuses on leadership/high potential assessment and coaching with over 20 years of experience. She has worked with senior leaders and high potentials domestically and internationally. Her work is across a wide range of areas to include leadership potential / derailer coaching, decision styles, influence, conflict, change management, vision development, business planning and challenge projects.

She was formerly Sr. Vice President-Global Learning and Development and Chief Learning Officer for Equifax (Fortune 500 global company), where she started Equifax

University and was in charge of succcession planning. She was also SVP of Human Resources for North and South America. Additionally, she was Head of Education and Career Development with Coca-Cola USA where she developed a comprehensive succession and career development system. She also has experience in retail and government, was part of the adjunct faculity at Mercer University and was Head of Training for Blue Cross Blue Shield.


Lynn has done consulitng and coaching work with both the public and private sector domestically and internationally. Her private sector work has included Fortune 500 and Fortune 100 companies. Her public sector work has included government, non-profits and educational institutions. She has worked with clients in Africia, Asia, Europe and South America. Her client companies have included: ATT, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Campbell Soup, Coca-Cola Company, Center for Puppetry Arts, Bell South, Darden Restaurants, Department of Transportation, Dex Media, Equifax, Fernbank Museum, GE-Capital, Global Payment Services, Georgia Tech Executive Program, Home Depot, Invesco, Johnson Controls, JM Huber International, Kimberly Clark, Hertz, McKesson, Nationwide Insurance, Prudential Bank , Promethean, Savannah College of Arts and Design, Sanno Institute – Japan, Solvay Pharmacutial, Sciele Pharmaceutical, Sita Global Travel, Verizon, Virginia College, Siemens, and State of Georgia.


She has a masters in career/organizational development and her doctorate in management. Organizations where she has worked have been benchmarked by HR Effectiveness Inc., received a SHRM award for the global mentoring program and won National American Society for Training and Development “Best Award”. Lynn has personally received the national ASTD Walter Story Career Development Award and a Technology Woman of the Year Award from WIT, Women in Technology.

Lynn has been an officer and a national board member of the HR People & Strategy (HRPS), President of the HRPS Atlanta Affiliate, President of the American Society for Training and Development – Georgia, and national head of Career Development for ASTD. She was also on the board of Big Brothers/Big Sisters.

She is certified in Hogan, Myers Briggs, Conflict Dynamics Profile, StylesView Decision Making Profile (trained by Ken Brouseseau PhD. ,Yale), Benchmarks, and the LVI Predictive 360. She has run assessment centers and trained assessors (trained by Cabot Jaffee – who was trained by Douglas Bray, the father of assessment centers).

She has published seventeen articles including a chapter in Amacon’s HR Yearbook on succession planning and a chapter on mentoring was published in The Next Generation of Corporate Universities. She was featured in CLO Magazine (Chief Learning Officer). She has given over 50 presentations for professional organizations in the areas of coaching, organizational change, competencies/assessment, performance reviews, career development, human resources planning, high potential development, succession planning, culture change, driving change through quality, mentoring, executive development and corporate universities.

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